How do I get water delivery?
You can call our number and leave a message detailing who you are, where you are requesting delivery, a number you can be reached at, and the number of bottles required. Our delivery areas are broken down into specific days of the week, and delivery will depend on the area and the day delivery is effected to your area. Please see service map for clarification. Please call in your order prior to the day of delivery in your area to ensure delivery can be effected on that day, otherwise delivery will be pushed to the following delivery date. Delivery is from Monday to Friday only, and we are closed all statutory holidays. Also ensure that you still have an adequate supply of water on hand to carry you through to your delivery date.
Is there a minimum requirement for delivery?
We require a six (6) bottle minimum to effect delivery. There are costs associated with delivery, such as vehicle expenses, driver wage, time and fuel, so the more bottles we can deliver per site helps to reduce those costs. There are no separate delivery charges – these are built into the cost of the bottle.
How does delivery work? Do I need my own bottles to start?
We work on an exchange program where we replace your empty water bottles with full ones. If you have empty water bottles to exchange, then you are only charged for the water itself. If you do not have an empty bottle to exchange, we charge $12.50 per bottle, plus the cost of the water initially. The bottle is then yours to keep and use again. We do not take back dirty, foul smelling, broken or cracked bottles. They must not have objects inside, such as toys, pens, food, or other liquids. They should only have been used for water.
How often can I expect delivery?
Delivery depends upon the number of bottles and how frequently water is required. Your delivery driver will help you determine what rotation you should be on – weekly, biweekly or monthly.
What if I don’t need delivery, can I get your water anywhere else?
We delivery to a number of convenience and grocery stores in surrounding communities where you can exchange your bottles. We also have a self serve water station at our facility where you can fill your bottles yourself.
What do I do with my bottles when I don’t need them anymore? Can I get my deposit back?
We do not have deposits on our 3 and 5 gallon water bottles, and therefore, do not give deposits back. Many of the locations that sell our water call it a deposit. However, all of our bottles are sold to the customer, so it becomes their property. We do not “buy back” bottles either. This has always been our policy.
Do you sell other water supplies?
We have water cooler cleaning kits available for purchase, as well as stacking caps for stacking your water bottles, cup sleeve holders, cradles and spouts, and hand pumps. Contact us for pricing.
What happens to delivery service after long weekends and during the holidays?
After a long weekend, all deliveries get pushed back one day as we play catch up. If your delivery was scheduled for the Monday, then it won’t be done until the Tuesday, and so on.
During the holiday season, due to reduced staffing and closures, we will service the convenience and grocery stores first, this way if delivery cannot be effected to you during that time, you can get your water from one of those places. Regular delivery will then resume after the holiday season.
We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during these times.